Three Concepts of Cognitive Marketing You Might Not Know

First, we need to understand the basics. The term “Cognitive Marketing” refers to one of the main strategies to connect with your audience on a personal level. How’s that? This tool basically uses what people are already thinking about in a positive way to give a brand a position that reflects the customer’s position. Basically, this method creates a similarity between you, as a brand and your client, clinching a stronger preference.

But how does this work? Thanks to technology, we have it easy. The answer is simple: we analyze data collected online to target audience and see what subjects will resonate with customers the best. The results are predictable: full focus on the customer, more effective campaigns, and simplified personalization. But to be more specific, here are three tools that will help achieve these goals faster.


The term has to do with customer behavior, how we feel and subsequently think. Take for example the Starry Night painting by Vincent van Gogh. If you are angry, you might think the night is poorly portrayed, or you might start to point out the negatives of the painting. But if instead, you are in a good mood, you will look upon it like is the prettiest scene. The interpretation you create would depend on how you feel.

Cognitive biases are a brain’s tendency to infer or perceive a situation in a way which is often different than the rational “reality” based on our prior experiences and current understanding to help facilitate fast, efficient decision making. Imagine if your brain was taking a shortcut to solve a problem. In marketing, this could be translated firstly in how we create our strategies when it comes to advertise our products or services, and secondly in how our public perceives them.

Don’t be afraid to use psychology. This tactic will give you the ability to guide consumer decisions, or enhance consumer understanding, in your messaging. You can use, for example, the principle of Scarcity, The ACT NOW! Technique. This mental shortcut gives a considerable value on products or services, depending on how difficult it is to obtain them. Have you ever watched that infomercial advertising a bodyshaker for the limited time offer exercise set?  Well, that’s how you play with scarcity. This allows to help nudge the decision-making process. So now you know!

Semantic Web:

This concept involves common data formats that make it easy to integrate and combine data from diverse sources. Its main purpose is mapping ideas expressed in human language to data in a way that facilitates automatic processing. In marketing, the Semantic Web acts a little bit more ambiguously.

Its role here is all about underlying data when it comes to content. How’s that? Well, the usage of this web means customized good, accurate, and detailed content. Not only in the old ways, but also in terms of information that can create value for a business by its wide dissemination. The main goal is improving a new kind of market positioning and placement via a semantic branding.

For example, through new data feeds, we can re-engineer the organization to generate semantic web content as a competitive advantage. Marketers can use the Semantic Web to improve paid marketing, like PPC, by curating their product feeds with ease and keeping the feeds current with semantic markup, automating the process. shows you how to do it:

1. Add structured data HTML to your product pages (name, price, image, description).
2. Add Google Merchant Center add-on to your Google Drive.
3. Select “Update from Website” to crawl your site and create a spreadsheet with the data from your product feed.
4. Submit the feed to Merchant Center using the add-on you installed. You can turn on automatic item updates if you wish to automate the process, or you can recrawl your site to update everything manually.

You can turn on automatic item updates if you wish to automate the process, or you can recrawl your site to update everything manually.

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN):

Their purpose, as its name suggest, is to reproduce the functioning of the human brain on a computer. Our minds take in information and then attempts to connect the dots to come up with a conclusion through neuronal networks. The way they work is across an input layer, an output layer, and a hidden layer between (fill with hundreds of virtual nodes) the algorithm connects and reconnects to when trying to reach an outcome. As the learning process occurs the algorithm will alter the internal connections. Once the algorithm has learned, more inputs can be entered, and the network will provide a workable prediction.

This tool is commonly use among computer scientists to work on complex tasks, such as making predictions, developing strategies and recognizing trends. Now you may be thinking “Isn’t that what algorithms do?”, well not really. The difference is machine learning algorithms can organize crisp data or numbers, but neural networks learn from experience. Like us.

As for its marketing use goes, these can be implemented for a couple of things: Predicting consumer behavior, creating and understanding more sophisticated buyer segments, marketing automation, content creation and sales forecasting. In fact, is being used more frequently in the field of predictive analytics. Allowing a more specific market segmentation, sales forecasting, content creation and distribution.  In resume the ANN helps marketing decision makers better gauge expectations in order to create the best experience for consumers.